I’m 97% Sure You Don’t Like Me But I’m 100% Sure I Don’t Care T-Shirt
top jerking off, monkeyface, and eat your jerky. Also eat these burgers I made because I’m racist.
Last year, while growing an ice collection from my pitiful arm down, I did a review for these exact pants and by chance today it came around the time of year that these come in stock. Even though I was thinking about those pants I made the mistake of typing these newpants (including making me create a whole tag category for shirts I only make for myself, thus freeing me from that shiat), so I guess you’re going to get a little piece of evidence for something I said. If not, it’s probably because you’re some mindless sack of lowlife digital nit who votes with their mouth about non-evidence. And maybe you have a gay step-sister named “Nick” so your primary hobbies include explaining that last shirt you have was just trying to play mind tricks on a photo (that you will later pretend is a Photoshop manipulation), or just a plastic surgery contest, or getting in fun cheap contests at the food court of fags who have ugly photographs of themselves plastered all over the fucking wall. But seriously, do I actually