George Washington Battle T-shirt, Long Sleeve, Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
9 Reasons Conservatives are Smarter than Liberals: a blog about how liberals are all idiots and conservatives are the real deal.
Heaven or Hell? Make that Determination with this T-Shirt: A blog reviewing a t shirt and how it applies to your life.
Top 15 Reasons Why Liberals Are Wrong And Conservatives Are Right: A blog around the different political viewpoints along with the pro’s and con’s.
I’m Not Gabby Gifford, But I Play Her On TV: A blog post about a tee shirt that quotes the conservative pundit.
I Digress… Here’s Some Thoughts On Those Coffee Drinks At The Coffee Shop: a blog around coffee culture, or lack there of in the industry and how you can help.
I’m a Teacher and a Conservative T-shirt: The writer, Cindy got fired for wearing this in her school so this is a blog about the process of getting fired.
The Spirit of Debate: A blog about Politics and Society
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