Why Did I Let A Convicted War Criminal Practice Energy Healing On Me T-shirt, Long Sleeve, Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Tank top, Ladies Tees
Actually a better title for this article would be: Why Did I Let A Serial Killer Practice Energy Healing On Me
A mug printed with the question above to bring attention to the fact that people who were formerly convicted of war crimes can become popular energy healers.
Find clients who have been let down by existing service providers. For example, there are many ex-smokers who see energy healers after failing to give up smoking themselves.
Publish an editorial in a respected publication, like the New York Times, about a celebrity and/or politician who has hired a controversial energy healer.
A satirical news story about an energy healer who previously worked as a Nazi SS guard and performed “body sculpting” to strengthen the Germans’ greatest athletes for the 1936 Olympics.
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